Cold Tea

My coworker and I have a little inside joke about our tea – I’m not sure about all of you but I LOVE tea…but sometimes I question if I like the thought of tea more than drinking the actual tea itself. My coworker pointed that out as she is the same.exact.way. We are constantly reheating our tea during the day…I bring tea in every morning from home, by the time I actually take a sip, its cold. I’ll reheat it, and get busy with something else and BAM, it’s cold again. What’s going on!? I’m not a fan of HOT, hot tea so I like it just warm enough to sip without burning off the taste buds, but not too cooled off where you can’t feel it go down into the pit of your stomach. So as I sit here and write this, I sip my room temperature tea because I, once again, heated it and forgot about it. Problems…

This week we ‘finished’ up our home study! Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m excited.

Our social worker visited our home on Tuesday evening where she was greeted by a very excited little pup! Bentley did really well, which was one of the things I was most worried about. He’s such a good little boy but 4:00 is his busy time after being crated for most of the day he’s got a lot of bottled up energy and expects our full attention. He definitely was showing off because he did really well and ended up entertaining himself with his toys for part of the time.


All that is left is to get our ‘report’ signed off on that basically summarizes the home study which will be done in the next week or two. I have to submit our letter to birthparents and some photos of us to be used on our agency’s website and then Monday, our profile books are supposed to be delivered to our doorstep. I am a graphic designer so that sort of thing is typically really fun for me, but summarizing us as individuals, a couple, our families, our lives, our dreams, etc. is really hard to do in a book – especially a book that may be the only source of who we are…it’s a lot of pressure! But I am happy with how it came together and excited to flip through the pages before handing them over.

Then, we enter another season of waiting.

These past few months have been active waiting – a time where we were busy with getting things checked off our list. The waiting that we are coming into now is completely, 100% in God’s hands. We just have to keep hoping and praying.

I also will be busy working on my Etsy shop again and reading some books I have on my list to read. Does anyone have any good books about adoption they’d recommend?  I have found some wonderful, inspiring blogs from adoptive mothers that have been super helpful as well.

I can honestly say that I imagine what I’m feeling right now as we wait is similar to what a pregnant mama feels in her heart: so much love. I feel like the bond is building, I often wonder if they’ll be a he or she, what they’ll look like, what their story will be, and all I feel is love for this being whom I haven’t yet met, whom I’m not even sure is even being yet, the little soul that fits perfectly into our family. Yes, I also feel a lot of fear, guilt, heartache, and a whole slew of emotions that tie with adoption in itself but more than anything, I’ll focus on this feeling of love that is so, so worth it.

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4 thoughts on “Cold Tea

  1. Too funny, I feel EXACTLY the same way about tea lol! I’m constantly warming it up too because I can’t stand the way it tastes cold. I also think it doesn’t work as well to soothe my tummy unless it’s warm hehe 😉 I’m so glad Bentley was a good boy during your visit…love that pic of him with the lights ❤ I love the was you choose to look at your situation and the place you are in your journey, it's so easy to get discouraged and I'm so proud of you for continuing to stay positive! There is


  2. Darn! Hit send too soon 😉 what I was going to say…

    There is one VERY lucky baby out there just waiting for you and I’m SO grateful for the opportunity to witness such a beautiful love ❤ I think it's pretty amazing that you're already forming a bond, just goes to show what a wonderful momma you will make!! Love ya friend~xoxoxo P


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